Just for today I am going because I do not like having my questions banned.I bet the ED will put them back anyway but for now I am bored.I bet you anything you will find AB boring today without your...
If I am Whiffey under a different username why do I never answer any of the questions he posts? I very rarely actually answer any of Whiffeys questions. There is one to think about.
If you had to invite 5 famous people to a dinner party who would you choose? I would have Adolf Hitler (bet he is a right laugh although he did say Russians were ''half animal'' so maybe not. Jesus...
This person has just been voted the ugliest person ever. Do you agree? http://www.mingers.com/classic_gallery.aspx It was the lady who is number 6.I think she was a clear winner!
Of course no one can know unless they were actually in the stiuation but I was wondering.If you had a child that was on a life support machine and had little qulaitly of life would you agree to have...