You posted " According to you I am vicious (can be), stupid (often) easily led(naaa), impressionable (I can make my own mind up) but you know what? I'd rather be all those things than someone like...
PLEASE stop has gone on long enough and no-one is going to win. Please stop trying to have the last word...or this will go on forever. You each have friends here who hate to see this...
Oh My God!!!! It's 3 minutes to One on Wednesday morning and I've just felt an earthquake - ok maybe a tremmor in Derby!!!! Has anyone else felt it just now????? My heart's still pounding!!!! C
1. Horlicks, Ovaltine or Hot Chocolate 2. Central Heating or Coal Fire 3. Shower or Bath 4. Grease or Dirty Dancing 5. Milk Chocolate or Dark Chocolate
An 'ignore this poster' button. It works on a lot of other sites. Once clicked, any posts by that individual do not appear on your screen, making their abuse fruitless. Even some people with 50 names...
Would you..a, get on with your life b, fook off abroad and start a new life c, fook off abroad and register with as many sites as you can with various legend names and ruin as many sites as you can...
As I have something inside my body that you will never ever have and that is the most basic of human compasion feelings and this simple little thing is called love. And you will never experiance that...
Is a c unt full stop end of and I know a lot of you feel the same way so I will keep on puting the little pervereted freak down on her until he gets what he deserves. Your days here are numbered now...
Well that is twice tonight and I have not posted anything at all that has been worthy of it . well whiffey you dipstick this is just fot you. Ho Ho hO KAREN KNOWS EXACTLY HOW I AM WHIFFEY and loves me...
Had enough drugs and have you all lost it yet. Well I fuking hope so as you do not know how pathetic you really are. You sad little losers You have got nothing and you have not got a life. As for me...
The trolls are about and that means you, you mother fukka debeas whopps sorry cant even be bothered to spell your sh1t name on here right. You fuking ponce.