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Why do some British men insist on walking around in the hot weather with no shirt? It looks disgusting and slovenly. You don't see men in hot mediterranean countries doing it, they most likely wear a...
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when I was at school, albeit a long time ago, male teachers would always be in suits, collar and tie and females be dressed smartly, now it seems that anything goes, jeans and t.shirts, flip flops or...
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So that nice Mr. Osborne has offered major tax concessions to energy companies in an effort to attract companies to "Frack Britain". Good idea, do you think? Me, I do not understand why he feels the...
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My backs's gone again. phoned the doc to ask advice whether to go and see a Chiropractor or Osteopath and was told that neither was any good for my condition. He said he can prescribe me some...
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Whilst watching an old episode of 'Friends' the other night, there was a scene where Monica was shown to have slight OCD (the flower pattern on her duvet had to point towards the bed head, because...
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how should we report someone we think might a troll? tia....
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Recently I've noticed a lot of people (here and everywhere) putting spaces between the end of sentences and the punctuation, apart from full stops. Like this ! You know what I mean ? I asked a guy at...
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not posted for a wee while. I hope mr, harv is not unwell.
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Barmaid OK Daily Wail spin aside what do you reckon?...
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Bought a couple of packets of this yesterday. As I was packing them away it struck me that they weren't as big as they used to be. Is this an example of Wagon Wheel syndrome where you imagine foods...
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i thik i having the woose time ever been crying all day
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Can I take this when pregnant? Im very constipated and my tummy looks like im 6 months pregnant!
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RobKep How definitive is this precisely. I scored 37 but it conveniently looks at lot of questions why people think they might be screwed up....
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Hi ive been so Stupid, ive stolen £1000 from my company ,by cancelling tickets on my machine & taking the money ,this occurrd about 20 times in 10 months,ive been suspended from work & ive been...
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I have a NINE month kitten who already is bringing to me mice,bird chicks, and full grown birds which he has caught and killed. Is this usual for someone so young.? Although upsetting to see the...
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Grooving Gently ....
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My son is about to leave primary school to go to secondary, and I don't really know what I should get for his teacher. My daughter will be giving her teacher a thank you card and a bunch of flowers,...
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Is on this morning... Apparently he never turned water into wine, that's just a myth. *crazy people being interviewed on This Morning with his partner Mary Magdalene...
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my boyfriends toilet keeps blocking, for no apparent reason - ie, no giant poos, or loads of paper, just 'normal' amounts with EVERY flush it emits a long drawn out 'wail', kind of like a weak horn -...

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