5a Goodness comes from a lot of money, money initially lacking (5) G?L?O 25a Mad - which shows there's something wrong (5) C?O?? 26d Technique in opening of skimpy top (5) ??i?L Thanks in advance
5d Great to admit it's a big 'un (5-2) ??O?T-?? 24d Get to sh*g in Number ten - twice (5) S?O?? 6d Solitary unit between political extremes (5) ??N?E Thanks in advance
4d Bishop's dropped from office - source of beef? R?N?? 1d Strat to screw royal to cut the ice, so to speak (5) S?A?E 22a City centre's gone (Conservative cuts) - that'll do for me (7) C???O?? Thanks... ...
I tried to sign up for Government Gateway recently and failed as they were asking for two types of evidence of proof of ID. I don’t have a passport and the only other ‘thing’ that I have is a... ...
22a Area stripped of sugar beet refined for sizeable corporations (4,4) B?E? , G??? 16d Worked at firm close to that railway town (6) ?i?C?? 10a Car's oscillating movement acceptable (5) W?G?? 7d... ...
1a Hot shed in hut fire (4) S?C? 23a Commanders our company rejected (4) ?G?S 18d Hollow posts mounted on stone providing support in mine (5) S?C?? 5d Lapwing is bird holding wings of white up... ...
2d Funny about exclamation of disgust in beginning to eat remedial product (5,8) ??U?H, ???????? Cough Medicine? 8d Make clothing for a swimmer (6) ?A?L?? ... ...
18a African city's been wrongly holding back stake (7) ?N?E??? 22a A summons opened by prosecutor, which should come up with the goods (4) ???A 20a Kamala t the end: second, in an inferior position... ...
7d Bag by Brown: fashionable, sweet thing (9) ??C???R?? SACCHARIN? maybe? 17d One bagged by brazen Prescott, getting Gove's rag (9) S?????T?? Thanks in advance
7d Once curse half of East London town uprising (4) E?A? 18d Dilapidated van hidden in various invasive plants (5) i?E?? 23a Being cross leaving eastern county (4) ???E Thanks in advance
14d Team with trouble to set up activity centres (7) G???L?S 19d So close after swutching sides (4) ?H?? 22a Sons spoils relations, giving chocolates (8) ??S?T??? Thanks in advance