Does anyone put their You Crossword and Prize Crossword in the same envelope - they go to the same Box No - or do you post them separately? I always post mine separately but wondered if this was...
2d radioactive element which is a by-product of nuclear reactors N?P?U?I?M 3D Musical time signature indicating 2 or 4 minim beats in a bar A?L? B?E?E 42D Mythological greek sea god, son of Poseidon...
29A Clear of blame - I've put exonerate but that won't then fit with truncated. ???????T? 2D Rest all shimmering like stars S?????R 28D Maintain clear development for Mexican, perhaps ????? ?M?R?C?N...
16a system of healthcare and healing based on manipulation and massage of the body O?T?O?A?H?Y orthography doesn't fit 56a long handled implement with a barbed fork at one end for catching fish S?E?R...
18a word that links bed, case and drive - T?S?
I feel really daft but I just can't think of a linking word tho I'm sure it'll be fairly obvious....
Last 2
21a Historical unit of length 5.03m or 5.5 yards ?e?c?
28d Drainage Basin in a lake or reservoir for collecting rainwater and melting snow. C?T?H?E?T Catch something I presume....