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I've completed the puzzle. Trying to submit the solution online brings up the message that: "Sorry, this form is not open to new submissions.The deadline for entering this month's competition has... ...
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Does anyone have the solution to this one, supposed to be in the Guardian today 16 September?
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Last one!! 54a) Chinwag with a blue of sorts: I left (6) Natter/nattier? Can’t see the symbol, now brain dead! Many thanks in advance!...
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Is there a THEME to the 'side' answers? other than just Christmas??? TYIA The GUARDIAN (52across) SETTERS’ (3, 41, 44) PARTY (40, two words) is in full swing....
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H - Praying Mantis and a number of youngsters with snack outside half over (10,3) Can anyone shed some light on this for me?...

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