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Should we tell the manager? We have no idea what's being said.  This only started about three months ago when someone new started in the office. Is it inappropriate for them to be like this?
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What years designate them as vintage and/or any other term?
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what does stephen do in coronation street this week
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I saw a used car I liked on a car dealership website (proper car dealer). I went to look at it in the showroom today (well, it was in the forecourt). I asked to sit in it etc, but he came out with... ...
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Does a re-married widow end up as a heavenly bigamist ?
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We bought ourselves an Olive tree for the garden yesterday.  It's being delivered on Tuesday.  We just can't agree where to plant it.     What have you purchased recently that has made you... ...
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Great acting by Daniel Brocklebank ( Billy the Vicar) I wish my hairdresser Simon would get wed to his partner , I'm sick of saying I want the facsinator to go with the haircut.... one day hopefully... ...
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Do you have an advert that sounds weird or doesnt make sense. My pet hate is " I got weight loss surgery so I could spend more time with my kids". How does that relate? maybe they should just say I... ...
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My eyelids and surrounding areas are really dry and flaky. Can anyone recommend a good eye cream? Im 60.
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does anyone have one of these if so does it dry well x
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If the male celebrity is gay, surely the professional dancer also needs to be gay or there can be no chemistry between them.
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A neighbour (who has multiple cars) has parked their car half way over my drive.  I think it might be visitors of theirs. If I need to get my car out, it'll mean having to drive on the kerb and... ...
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naomi24   Any physical jerks out there?  How do you exercise? ...
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adopted a cat from the humane society a couple of months ago. The humane society also spayed her about 7 days ago. She's been wearing a cone ever since. I took her into the humane society a couple... ...
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Another victim yesterday...and Sunak has announced they will be banned by the end of the year. My heart goes out to this man's family and all other... ...
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For me it's the word 'pong' it just makes me cringe
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No rhyme or reason to it - but I find emptying the dishwasher a bit of a bind. I don't mind loading it though. ;o) I've just spent a frustrating few minutes trying to clean a mysterious mark from the...
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Following on from the post on the Most Beautiful song which song do you rate as the saddest? Mine is the Ballad of Lucy Jordan by Dr Hook...
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Anyone watching this? Looks promising.
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My dog was bringing in loads of mud last year when it rained. Got some fake grass laid which i thought would stop the problem. But now he digs in the flower beds! So still causes a mess. Was thinking...

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