6d Jockey Mark Pitman : no chap stays within a beaten length of such a horseman(6,7) ?N???? ?E?P?A? I think it's Knight Templar but not sure 4d Religious leader's blather is baseless (5) ?A???? 9a...
1d Hard chop floored Oriental (6)
14a Paul greeted her, a little girl relative (6)
17...remember what you have to do in that goal (4)
??V? save ?...
25a Duty to collect westbound, thus when crossing the river (6) E?C?S? Excise ? 3d It's a sort of divine character the sea has (6) ?H?T?? 4d Ran out in leopard-skin clothes for a church part (6)...
Really struggling. 7a Luminosity runs through a place that's venerate (6) ?????e Lustre ? 15a Impressionable type needs perhaps to slow down (5) ???A? Roman ? 17a Cleric's pile of year-end rubbish (7)...
7a Lazarus' oppo takes on fictional monster parts (8) ???????S 10a Kind of instinct in getting into Buddhist leader's total revolution (6) H????? 15a Woman's estimate in advance for book (6) ?????R...
Still struggling 4d More than generous, clothing five in French hot spots (5) ?V?N? Ovens ? 2d I listened to hesitant representation in class(6) ?H?L?? 14a King of Israel's last letter is with ones...
Come to a halt. need a kickstart 7a See boss :cleric's first redress (5,8) ????? R?????N? 15d Do away with transport (6) ?????V? 5a "Manger" is a French word:place here (maybe for the little ones) to...
Last one
14a An unlucky type who prefigured Christ's death and resurrection (5)
The only word I can come up with that is possible is "roman" (a type) but can't see the rest of the clue...
Getting stuck ! 10a Numbers desert Irish islands after a little pressure (5) P?R?N 19a Caught out putting tango into a slow dance -that's rich (6) ?M???H 23d They bite one quietly on board (4) ???S...
18a Medium sort of boat without a prow (6) ?R?C?? 17d 1980's movement to get AEG perhaps (3,3) ??? A?E 20d One of 25's on the road. going to desert (5) S?U?? 25a Breaks a commandment currently...
last two 10a Live almost revolutionary , making a point to the state of filth (8) ?E?D?E?S 20a ....one that maybe found in 15 after split ?(6) S?S?E? Answer to 15 is eastward if that is relevant....