1. Tries to get around the inclusion of nothing by US band? TOR~O~S~ 2. Americans get runner-up award being people in a certain race? S~L~E~/~EWS thanks in advance
does anybody know where i can buy the above item? i saw them in a hmv store about a year ago but not seen them anywhere else since. i want to get it for a birthday present for a friend.
i'm liking the new raconteurs new song 'hands' with brendan benson taking lead vocals. i'm intreseted in gettin one of his albums, can anyone recomend which one to get first?
1. Hail cab to go round for indie band in Slovenia L~I~~~H 2. Legendary record label that featured a young Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley ~~N 3. Name me in a change to US songstress ~~M~E/M~N~ 4....
watched this film for the first time last week on film4 and again watched it last night. anyone else seen it? i thought its an excellent brittish film with a good twist (which i never saw coming). its...
1. Summer dormancy/hibernation in animals is known as? 2. What is the spanish word for Summer? 3. In what opera does the song 'Summertime' feature? 4. The Summer Isles are located off which British...
3 answers to get: 1. Alien Sex Fiend's indie label that's at home in a cryptic crossword. A~A~~~M 2. San Francisco industrial punks with a metal element to finish. ~H~O~E 3. lyrics: (from 1997) here...
why wont my digital radio receive this station? i've tried auto tune and analog tuning but it still wont pick it up! i live oop north and am sick of hearing about gigs in fookin london!!
i am about to buy a new computer but i have an email address which is a freeserve one and not a hotmail one. if i change computers i will lose it. is there anyway i can keep it on a new computer?
1. terribly good song would be about a penny from this artist. ~N~O~/~O~G 2. lyrics: 'i'm working so i won't have to try so hard, tables they turn sometimes, ah _______' S~ME~A~
i recently bought the above game for the pc, after installing it' when itry to play the game a message comes up saying: 'Emulator detected! please deactivate virtual drive and emulation software' what...