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hope Scotty does not win...I find him rather creepy!!
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Dee Sa
Its hubby's birthday today and he is not a well person &has lost his sight thru diabetes, he decided he would like to try a new Japanese restaurant that has open locally and it wouldnt be too far...
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If you got knocked unconscious right know and came too in the hospital to discover that it is the year 2000 and you actually bumped your head then and the last ten years had been a concussion induced...
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What was the singers name who sang Rag Doll in the 60s?
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No, I'm not asking about your garden flowers. In the car this morning I had a play of some of my Grateful Dead CDs. I'd forgotten how good they are. I used to love "The Dead". Good old hot...
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Going back a bit (quite a bit) D'ya remember some of the products we took for granted then? Under the sink - Rinso, Sunlight soap Duraglit. Cigarettes - Craven A, Woodbines, Park Drive. & St Bruno...
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Is the latest version of Windows called Windows 7? How many versions of Windows are there? Which version has had the most stability?
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Dom Tuk
Sorry for this morbid question but is the human body decomposed when buried in a vault or a crypt where it is not accessible to the organisms and creatures found in a ground burial. Does natural...
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Shall we have a bit of music.... :-))
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Anyone remember any Controversial songs that were in the charts or otherwise. list your faves with a brief word as to why. Here are a few i have come up with........
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as you all know, sometimes you cannot answer a call to someone, for whatever reason, and have to press the reject or ignore button, but dont want them to just think you have just refused to answer -...
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I may have met the kindest lady ever...went into the new job for a couple of hours to get to know the ropes. The outgoing Secretary, introduced me all 'round and made me feel welcome. She gave me her...
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what 'popular' item of clothing would you not be seen dead in?
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for MY Codmother!
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Can anybody recommend me a good book of poetry. I know tastes will differ but I'm looking for a mixture of poems, from popular and well known poets.
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Doesn't matter just any genre, something good give it to me.
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Guy I work with is a dyed in the wool atheist,hardcore. Having one of our many discussions on the subject he admitted to me that he believes in life after death.I told him he couldn`t have it both...
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Its only a wedding. Given that recent royal weddings have not worked out. How long would you give this one ?...
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It must have been a crappy job.

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