hi all, excuse my stupidity but is there anything strange about this or is it just me? The ' mother board' recently packed up on my computer so it was looked at by the guy from PC World and then sent...
any help please It comprises of a large black 2 ,next to that is a verticle line of four small 1's and then the word wellingtons > Any help much appreciated thanks.
11) Across. To live with Trevor,backing artist,requires a bit of backbone(8). Is it vertebro? vertebra? and can you please explain why?Thanks in anticipation.
19d Shame about English reverence ?i?t? (5) 20d Deck stump ?l?o?r (5) (Is it floor?) 4d Person starting to sink ?o?n?e? (7) (Is it founder) Thanks for any help.
7a Prospect of New Delhi-I look out (10)?????i???d 10a Jersey town (8) ?????g?? 22a City fabric placed on vehicle(8)c?r????? Any help much appreciated.