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going to usa, i have bought the travel adapters for the plugs as i will be wanting to charge up camcorder batteries, portable dvd etc.. do i also need a voltage tranformer? can anyone explain how it...
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Not religious but just wanna know. As told at school Jesus died on the cross bur rose again hence Easter sunday. What i want to know is what he did after that and how did he eventually die. TIA
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The other day I heard a modern day song called 'love' but don't know who it is by, any ideas?
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what was the blitz in ww2 and can you explain to me what the blitz did
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Shurely shome mishtake! When will the Scottish media realise that there are other countries in the UK and stop building up the hopes of a no-hoper? They seem to think they have some god-given right to...
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Anyone remember the name of the Tennis Commentator on BBC Radio during the 50's and 60's? A small bet is hanging on this.Many Thanks.
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what is the paragragh where you can use the word (and) 5 or 6 times in consecutive form?
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Good evening, Britain. (And the rest of the world that's peeping in.) This one is impossible to google for, so bear with me - I need it for something I'm writing. In my text there's a character that...

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