11a. Carry lawman inside till now (2,4) T? D?T?. 22a. Wild threat about Roman Catholic old governor (8) ??T?A???. 17d. Savage upset Italian in the undergrowth ?R???S?. 20d. Northern extraneous jazz...
20a. Like a film, American, following message about fibre (10) ?e???a???s.
23a. Author kept back during dollar crisis (5,4) ?o??? D???.
Thanks for any assistance...
17d. Get hold of pickle for a start (7) ?r?c????. 23a. Three cheers for splitting town river (9) ?????t???. 24a. Knight fed up about small cut (5) ?n?c?. 9a. Opens flexible cape as a gamble (2,4) ?n...
20a. Madly cheer as ma gets out pipe! (10) ?E?R?C???M. 24a. Aware that tooth isn't an alternative (9) ???N?S???. 17d. Nightmare insect adding a surprising word (7) ?U?????. 19d. Casual liaison with...
20a. Worry if top comes off coin (6) R???L?. 22a. Work period requiring wader (5) ???N?. 15d.Unfairness when part of actors' union (8) I?E?????. 18d. There's no lower point than a director's cut (5)...
13d. Long slope placed at map's centre (10) E???R?????. 14d. Utensil for Spooner's nosey follower (6,3) ???I?? ???. 19d. Go through Winchester? (5) ?I?L?. Thanks