hi.can some one please help.my lap top has down loaded a program called cyber security and i have read that it is not good. can any one help me to get rid please
Just a quick a note to say that my beautiful wife (who also uses this site) gave birth to an equally beautiful baby girl on Friday 6th November. We have called her Millicent. Good luck to all the...
We ordered an Indian tonight. Ginger gets a phone call from his Mum and a couple of minutes later the Indian turns up. My son answered the door and comes in to ask Ginger for the money. He turns round...
With the recent tv ads and publicity would you, or do you, carry an organ donor card, or would you agree to donate a loved one's organs? I do and I would and made it very clear to my husband when we...
i have been asked to take part in the research and study of heart disease at my age i wonder is it all worth while bearing in mind i am nearly eighty would it help the younger generation if i took...
Has anyone got any good ideas what music I could use for a Disco Dancing competition it has to have no lyrics as it is a welsh competition so no english lyrics are allowed to be used therefore it must...
I have a fairly large collection of Pre recorded VHS Videos that I would like to back-up onto DVD. Does anybody have a magic wand,or access to an Oracle so that I can do it. All the software or video...
How do I convert thousands of an inch to mm? For example, what is 627 thousandths of an inch in mm? What is the conversion factor involved?
Thank you....
In a nutshell, my step-father abused my sister and I when we were young. My mother knows as my sister told her about 20 years ago. He broke down and apologised to her, but denied having touched me....
Fault Code PO3OO Mulitple Misfire on my chevy kalos sport. the car will misfire then the engine management light will flash until misfire stops then car will be fine. Ht leads and plugs replaced, new...