23ac. Without conductor's lead, play it badly as usual. (7) (--p-c-l). 26ac. Show line with style, as this? (5) (--d-l). 22d. Remnants of old chestnuts, perhaps, found in puzzles. (6) (-----s). Many...
1d Vague words by foreign legionnaires guarding heart of Bath (14)
keep trying with anagram of legionnaires and at-middle of bath, to no avail
many thanks in advance if you can help!...
Struggling on last two.
3 down: Cut nothing in old record (3) L?P (I have come up with LOP, but am not sure)
11 across: Dismissed for a duck just occasionally (3) A?T...
3d,Problem managing some firm a lad just mentioned (13) M?L?????????? 11d, Young person has to help coward escape (6,7) ????N? / C?????? 13d, Stuff thrown in basket appears wet when recycled (5,5)...
Does anyone have the answers to to the link words? If so is one answer - fruit stone or stone fruit?
I'm not sure which one to put.
thank you in advance...