q1 choose the hard or easy way to cross the water here q2 learn round q3 Spanish start to the drink q4 sounds as if we preserved q5 this could be a laboring weight q6 sounds very painful but is...
Need help with these, please. Cause little offence with reverse gait.(4) ?O?T Turn away from New Labour and turn to drink. (5-3) ??O?? ??? Fall back to return thanks in Lincoln. (5) ???T?
1A A reducing agreement (8) 4 d Make a lunatic weep (3,3,3,4) 10a Avoided spy, as bed changed (8) 3d Battles as prescribed, perhaps (7) 11a He's lost heart, the remainder is 50 (5) 18a Writes notes to...
Last two. 42a. Unimportant people accepted by occasionally strange groups (7) I?S?C?S 51a. Sodium supply almost finished a long time ago (5) N?P?O Thanks in advance
Any help much appreciated with these. All answers contain place names or islands within British isles. 15. 56lbs (10) 21. Tweed jacket, white shirt and blue tie (5) 34. Found in the tack room with 4...
Will a sum of money normally deposited in my account on the 21st of the month still be deposited on this coming Monday-a bank holiday? Or will it be before Monday?
Hi, can anyone assist please? Recently on my nearly new Samsung laptop it has taken some 3 to 4 minutes to boot up ( it used to be very quick) and then when the Windows screen appears it is again slow...
Today my computer seems to have developed a copy and paste problem, it will left click and highlight whatever I want to copy and paste ( YouTube or text ) and the right click gives me the box...
Mum got a Kindle fire XD in January she has loved it up until now but today when she opened it up it was 'dead' there is nothing on the screen, it's just dead. She's 77 so doesn't mishandle it or drop...
Good afternoon all, hope your enjoying the sunshine :) I need help with the last few: 1d) idle men stand ground, with their thoughts elsewhere ( 6-8). 4d) lent moved forward (8). 8d) sweet & flaky,...
my toddler has got hold of the tv remote and scraked the whole wall with it to leave black lines everywhere, any ideas what will get this off without me having to redecorate?
7d Very large figure that may be kept in cell (9,6) T?L?P?O?? ?U????
19d powerful person's pronouncement put an end to slacking (7) ??G????
any help appreciated...
Good evening. Help required please 14 across reported in ineffective fashion in this publication (6) W?E?L? 15 across part of victorias political policy (8) ?L?T?O?? 8 down satisfies European turning...