Still stuck on one answer, can any of you clever people help please. The answer refers in some way to hobbies, sports, games or pastimes. Clue: Noisy and disagreeable? (6 letters). Many thanks in...
I am having difficluty with a number of clues. as they are not truly Ximenean. However the one which I don't understand at all is 5 ac , self descriptive dorset post needs to be done and dusted. 6...
18A. Make an announcement personal -?N?I???E 2D. National course flusters trainee - A?I?R?E 30D. Nearest bar is crazy for puzzles - ?R??? -??A?E?S 34D. Bear having support - ??H?T?N? My brain has...
I am looking for the link word, been stuck on these for a while. For example MAIDEN - NAME - PLATE 1. COURT............. STICK 2. BOOK.................HISTORY 3. WINDOW........... TABLE Also have this...
colourful answer should always end in AU 7 CONDITIONS FOR HIGH St retailer prevail in 7 cadburys chocolate especially for winter 9 wise to review the large awning when told of coming danger 4...
116 year fracas three words 7,5 and 3. Nice B & B to stay in Swanage,10 letters. IOM town +Dutchmans drain 6 5 and 4 letters. How many in Mr. Gunns song,7 letters.I am trying to finish a few...
47a) Car's rear lamp (4,5) S?I?, L?G?T 24a) Salary minus bonuses (5,4) B?S?C?A?E I have kindly been given two answers BASIC PAYE or BASIC WAGE any suggestions which one is most likely to be correct?...
30a cast off (3,4,2) - E - / S - O - / - O - 45d set aside (funds) (4,5) - I - - / - E - C - 50a prolonging (10) - - - T - - - I - - 28d with several uses (7 7) G - N - R - L / - - - - - S - 56a poise...
Anyone else watch it? I just started the first series today and love it! It's a bit... violent and sexual but it's good! What sort of age is appropriate to watch this!!? In the 21st century mind you.....
help please 28across former times (4,2,4) ??y? o? y?r? 25down film/novel plot outline (8) s???a?o? 37down sommelier(4,6) ?i?e ?a???? 55across member of team who also runs it (6,7) p???e? m?n????...
Trefoil Guild Quiz questions - can anyone help with these please:-
1. Why is a cheetah unlike other cats?
2. What were Binge, Crossbow and Horlicks?...
1 play well (4 letters ) 2 I am 18metres long when flat out ( 6) 3,cutting edge conundrum (6, 6) 4 includes what jen gave to quiz (5) 5 an occupation of little importance (7, 7) 6 high handled...
Driver's annual turnover will influence this statement - ?????a?s? R?s?
Having spiritual qualities - E???r??
Foreign type in short -found learning ?t?l
Accident area to be avoided - ????? spot...