can anyone recall a tv programme that involved men driving of the actors crops up in lots of different things. short guy fair hair plays hard guys sometimes a copper. i thought his surname...
Sharpp ridge separating two glacilal valleys.A?E?E... in The Hand,The Island and The Storm.?A?N?.Pre-Christian era priest in England,Ireland and Gaul. ?R?I? Thankyou
All answers are planes or helicopters. No letters only the amount.Water male who reigns 9.Whirling wind storm 6.we have already used tornado. Machine for cutting grain 6.
Can anyone help with these clues the answers are all names of aeroplanes or helicopters.I only have the number of letters.Water male who reigns 9. Whirling windstorm 6 ,we already used tornado.Machine...
mos prize xword. one of the East Germanic tribe who sacked Rome 410AD.?i?i?o?h. Member of the greek school of philosophy founded by zenos s?o?c....Inflammation of the spinal cord. m?e?i???.
Sorry Lie-in -Ling didnt have any letters in a couple and forgot to put the amount .Just got one more must have had something wrong 12a Deny entry.s.u./out
Really stuck today.4a hair care proffessionals. 13a The listener is well aware ???/???w 2d Flighty,fickle 5d with fresh,sharp taste. 6d Harangue 7d Collapse light-headedly. Thank you in advance
opposite of affirm D?N?.20A IN A DANGEROUS MANNER.R?C?E?S?T?. 17A PRAISE, WORDS OF APPROVAL p?a?d?t. 8d bother ,trouble?a?s?e. sorry about typing fingers not woking right today.25a n.amercan reindeer...