I fully understand that it's the Ed's site and them's the site rules... ..just for clarity though, are there a generally agreed set of standards between various Eds and Mods about what is an...
The blackbirds in the garden have left the nest this morning. Mum and Dad are still on a constant feeding and guarding frenzy. I've confined the cats to barracks. How long will it be before these...
I should be really happy as today was my last day in my current job and its been stressing me out for so long but I'm not. The bosses took me for lunch but the other lads weren't around and not one of...
there was some songs I this programme something about baby was it sam cook mess around was it ray Charles and mr d thinks jailhouse down maybe hank Williams or someone can anyone help please love...
just been rung got job interview next Wednesday and that meeting suppose to be Thursday not happy though as hes adding more to it never rains but it pours for me
I saw the gynaecologist today, scan I had has shown a mass in the uterus, going in next Friday for biopsy and exploratory surgery. Just thought I'd keep you updated.