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very down today missing mam i miss you mam no words can say
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We had a good covering of snow last night and more this morning. How is it your way?
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please note i have said thank you quite a few times
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She has let me down and cancelled :0(...
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what is the song in this trailer please thanks
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When I came home this morning my front door was wide open and all my brass instruments were gone. I've been bugled.
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I had a very nasty attack of a close cousin of the Norovirus and the inevitable happened with the 'runs' - well, gallops....
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can anyone tell me the song i this tv ad please
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Not the best of days, it's just been confirmed that Eddy (Todays Avatar) is suffering from the Canine version of Alzheimers, we've been keeping a diary of strange behavior for a month or two, which...
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what is the song in this tv advert the current 2013 thanks
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Hi Which would really be the best for cooking chips occasionally? Chip pan with veg oil or deep fat fryer with veg oil. I ask because I got rid of my DFFryer recently as it was caked in oil round the...
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Could / If, If you could change the way you talk / deal / approach life's problems / discussions, could you, & how would you?...
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Hope I got the date right Sharingan? I believe your Dad (NOX) told me and I wrote it in my birthday book. Have a happy day and tell Dad we miss him x
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off to finish ironing put cds away see if i can find that track from asda if not hope someone knows tomorrow good night love desktopxxxx
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hope your feelinf better me and mr destop are feeling ill tonight
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anyone know is this on a complination please thanks
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I was gobsmacked today when a friend told me she irons socks & undies. Why? I do the bare minimum of ironing. What about the rest of you?...
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talking to friends today one of them said she heard that some folks only change and wash bed linen once or twice a year, must be a bit stinky I would think, how often do you change yours?
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It's been a good dry day here in the N.W.Lancs, what about you?
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any one know the son g for this trailer was on last night the trailer

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