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1down: Alone, alone..for there is no other (3, 4, 3) the, o???, o?e...
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24d: 'Allo-Allo': that's a short presentation (5) ?n?r? 23d; Go along with a rise, hear hear! (6)a?s??? 25a: The English call for more from the French (6) ???o?e 26d: From eternal to infernal went his...
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27d; Once given the wave, they will rise into action (4) s?b?
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2down: It would go down on record for the sound of music throughout the 20th century! (6) ?t?l?s 1down: What the bankrupts compelled to do is often for the better too (2, 3, 5) ??, ?o?, broke...
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17down: Face down...exha9) ?r?s?r??? 9accross: S__________n: fair game? (4,6) ???? , s?a?o?...
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22a; A bird goes berserk like a mad dog. (5) ?a?i? 2d; From a different sector, this one will be in attendance.... (6) ?????t 10a; Water, water everywhere...and the banks are liquidated. Problem? (8)...
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6d; Cse. Pull together! (8) ?o?d???e 27a; such grave postscripts from late apologists. (8) ??i?a???...
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28a; just k ps ingal e e roll ong (10)???n?e?i?? 4; A single shot is all you've got gone astray to nothing (3,2) ?n?, ?? 10a; Sovereign head reigned recklessly and went endlessly quite! (8) ?e?i?n?d...
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7accross: That mythical Greek beast, Cliban, wan just a wannabe cowboy! (8) h?r?e?a?
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22a; Time's out... Strike. (5) ???t? 23d; It's up or down) to them to grind down what one takes in! (6) ??l?r?...
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17/24d: Bless me! What's this for a clue? X ÷ +(4,2,3,5) ???n, ?n, ??, ?????...
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7down; Northerners clip pontiff's head for their own colloquial veto! (4) ?o?e 10accross; And others come round here to make it light and airy(8) ?t?e?e??...
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28a; It wouldn't be a shabby means of communication for tactile users. (5, 5) ???r?, p?o?e (last word phone?) 26d; Such doctrines are better to miss out? (4) i??? (is it idea?)...
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8accross: Light starter before breakfast? (4) ?a?n 13accross: Easy language to handle but hard on the hearing (4) ?i?n...
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13a; Came before Shakespeare for future use! (4) ?I?L
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18a; Would it give a start to the initial repenter (5, 10) ????? , c?n?e???o? 25a; Must be short sighted if so narrow minded (6) ?y???c 6d; They're named after birds, so the sky's their limit (8)...
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10across:A way out? O..there it is? (8) ?o???o?? 5down: No cut is so open...must be a discolouration (9) ?o???s?o?...
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17/21A: Here we lie at the cutting edge of medicine....OR..? (9,4) ?p???d?n?, ??o? 12a: A self-forges answer is not right (5) ?a?s?...
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11accross: ...and those with minds, we hear, that would take them to the ends of the earth? (6) P?T?E?
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3d; Awful stuff to start eating after a journey... (5) ?r??? 2d; It will sheathe swords if this writer is righter (3,3) ?h?, ??s 17d; He-he-He! Who's he then? (3-3-3) ???, man, ?u?...

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