28across. "Crown is all broken" surrenders English General to Washington (10) ?????a?l?s
19down. Top cats in the alley? (8) ??n?p???
8across. She'll come by the 4th for service! (4) ?a?e...
27across. Now bring out a romantic poet (8) ??o?n?n?
17down. Subleasing? Just pretending (7, 2) ???????, on
2down. Love means nothing to such players! (6) ?e???s...
22a/3d. Rob Roy? Braveheart? Ivanhoe? Worthy of exclamation from highlands and low! (5,5) _ D _ A _ _ A _ T _. My letters are not necessarily correct, but I hope they are. Could it be something like...
9accross.Zoot! just like that: Dorothy's comeback (6,2,2,) r???r? t? o? 11accross. The balance of justice after throwing out 50 cases! (5) s?a?e? 13accross/4down. Such is excellent from our film...
Crossword 2
14down. Cheapen (7) ?e?a???
22accross. Ideal (7) ?e?u?c? (not sure of the u, but the clue down for this was Away (3) i have answered this as out?)
21accross. Mouldy (5) ???t?...
6down. Chief Executive Officer slops around in a hub of corruption. (8) ?e?s???l 8Across. Politically correct to address Angela Merkel thus? (4) ?r?u 15Accross. So a row initially stirred by them (4)...
17down. Scary romp arranged for a military body (4,5) ?r?y, ???p? 6down. Dan's the man to throw in a bar at his tea party! (8) ???n?e?l 8&10accross. However hollow, this ones still a shining example...