What is the purpose of the hair on our heads? If it was just there to do the same job as the rest of our body hair, then why not grow to a certain length and fall off like the rest? TIA
If people called you funny names on a childrens website, would you run off crying and spend the next two days bleating about, in order to satisfy your attention seeking ego?
say what you like about me ...i was not even on ab late last night so why call me a bi tch ????? go get a life you nasty little man http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/ChatterBank/Que stion534348-2.html
they wanna post my number welll here it is 0034 691 926 624 calll or dont but i know the pussy on flash gear wont lol a troll will never ever ever ever have the balls to call watch this space lol
My pal has been seeing a guy who already has a girlfriend for almost 1 year. She's fallen in love with this guy and he tells her he loves her. She asked him the other day if he is IN love with her,...
Up and Down arrows to raise or lower the cannon. Space bar to fire. Follow the link and click "Play this game" http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/228520#
This probably sounds stupid but my nose really hurts and I can't think why! My right nostril and the surrounding area really hurts every time I move it at all (even similing hurts!) - it feels a bit...
My rabbit gave birth to 5 kits on Boxing Day. I started feeding the mum, Jessica, a high fat diet specifically prepared for nursing mum's (it makes her produce so much milk that she has no option but...