1a = charming (11) *A***V*****. 15A = METAL STAKES OF FENCE (8) *I*I*G*. 29a = Cry 4,2,4).3d=pull to pieces (4,5) **k* APART. 5d= see picture C (a crown or tiara?)**A*I. 6d=pin on daniel regularly (4)...
Cant believe I have got stuck on 6 today - must be too much dinner! 26d=? Friends 1992 film starring Stephen Fry (6)*E*E*S. 55D=Street parade that occurs in the Bahamas on New Years Day (8) j*n***o*....
30a= Celebratory gatherings (7)T*R*I*S. 57a=Long dinner or party held on Xmas eve in France (9) R*V*I***N 34d=Italian painter whose religious works included depictions of mother and child (6) T*T**N...
what number is missing from the list? 1,2,4,6,8,10,12..............18,25. which letter is missing G,E,L,N,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,J,J,R, Included on the list are royal, new, national, little and one is named...
what large number comed next 86,23,67,668,86,23,8428,47,843.
what number is missing from this list1,2,4,6,8,10,12.................18,25.
which letteer is m issing G,E,L,N,.....................J,J,R...