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1a = charming (11) *A***V*****. 15A = METAL STAKES OF FENCE (8) *I*I*G*. 29a = Cry 4,2,4).3d=pull to pieces (4,5) **k* APART. 5d= see picture C (a crown or tiara?)**A*I. 6d=pin on daniel regularly (4)...
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What is the difference between a podiatrist and a chiropodist?
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American comedy event at which a willing subject is lambasted at length (5) R*A*T = IS IT ROAST
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If 12a = Hilary Devey what does that make 6 down. I have Twin Forks = could it be twin peaks. Cue=Nips outside nip off for mystery series (4,5)
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I have been sent two videoa attached to an email. I have windows 7 - how do I save them
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which is the correct answer to chief god of the Assyrians ASSUR or ASHUR
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Any comments now that the answers have been published. 11,22,50,58 and 59 which you were stuck on seem to have puzzled most...
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Cant believe I have got stuck on 6 today - must be too much dinner! 26d=? Friends 1992 film starring Stephen Fry (6)*E*E*S. 55D=Street parade that occurs in the Bahamas on New Years Day (8) j*n***o*....
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Has anyone got the tv programme yet from the following letters? URYE OPHT ENAC COSE...
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There is no number on the back of my paper today and when you go into the site you can only choose up to 23rd December. Have I missed something?
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Telegraph Saturday 56d sweet rich sauce flavoured with alcohol and vanilla served with hot desserts (6,6)
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30a= Celebratory gatherings (7)T*R*I*S. 57a=Long dinner or party held on Xmas eve in France (9) R*V*I***N 34d=Italian painter whose religious works included depictions of mother and child (6) T*T**N...
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51d a town in greater Manchester near Wigan (5) ****B
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38d = Long and highly revealing film (6) *A*A*I. Is it HAWAII?
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13aIn Pakistan and India a crop harvested at end of winter (4) r**i
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51d=One of the taxonomic categories (5) *R*B*...
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19d=evans to speak loudly to fRench school (5) *Y*E*
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what number is missing from the list? 1,2,4,6,8,10,12..............18,25. which letter is missing G,E,L,N,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,J,J,R, Included on the list are royal, new, national, little and one is named...
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Included on the list are "royal","new",National,little and one is named after moneychangers. There are over 30 of them, What are they...
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what large number comed next 86,23,67,668,86,23,8428,47,843. what number is missing from this list1,2,4,6,8,10,12.................18,25. which letteer is m issing G,E,L,N,.....................J,J,R...

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