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38a DISH OF FRUIT COOKED INSYRUP WITH VANILLA AND SPICES (7) c*t*h*e 39a US abstract esspressionist known for black and white paintings (5) k*i*e. 41a \if you are patient in one moment of anger you...
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11A=Handy article one can get for a pound (6) P**T*E. 3D=Acquire husband (6) 4d= Makes legal charges (7)...
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1a=Counterfeit next years coins and prosper(5,5) **O*** **E*D 10A= iSLANDS WITH MANY DEBTS IS UNSTABLE (10) *a****ious...
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dingy as a bed in paris 5
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12A = An Antiphon or psalm sung or spoken at the beginning of eucharist (7) I?T?O?T. 19a looks as if it could be AMAZON. Common name of a genus os parrot with predominately green plumage (6) ?M?Z?N...
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Gradual increase in volume immediately followed by a gradual decrease. (5) ??E?L. line or ridge of high ground separating two adjacennt river systems known in usa as a divide(9) ???E?S?ED...
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How do you choose a captain? I have chosen my team plus one sub and want to confirm but keep getting the message to chose a's probably very simple but there again so am i
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11a Stir up, goad (6) **L*T*. 4D disposition, outlook (8) *T***U*E....
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device consisting of one or more metal hooks for grasping and holding often thrown with a rope(7) **A*N*L
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Sorry but I have missed one on Saturday - Fiery temperament (5) B?O?D
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Can anyone confirm that the correct answer to 24down is STRENGTH. It has been answered before with question marks as if not sure, The clue is In finance, the tendency of prices, especially security...
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My computer seems to be over it's hiccups (hope I haven't spoken too soon) and have discovered that I was top of the leader board last month - how on earth that happened I shall never know but I have...
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24d makes unclear, vague or hidden ???c?r?s (8) 26a=exuberant friendliness (8)m??n??m?e. 19d I had tufted owls but it doesnt go with Nori for eatable seaweed....
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8a= Disguised hero caught with bird all around Canterbury (5,4) ?L?E? k??? 6D=(5) INTERFERE WITH TAILESS DOG ???l? 14D= I shall see unusual tv actress (6,3) ?E?L?E ???...
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24d= not prepared (7) UNR?A?R. 37d= regard with disgust (9) A?E???A?E. 46A = BROADCAST CHANNEL (7) s?a???n...
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small migratory diving duck that nests in woodpeckers holes ?M?W
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Sorry , I forgot one 18d Prays (8) ?O?S?IES
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Comparative, relative (10) R?S???TIVE. Support (7) E?D?R??...
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Preparations supposed to be capable of prolonging life (7) E??X??S

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