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49a=Some rank play by forwards (4,3) is it Look out? 57a= It's wicked but blessed at the easter vigil (6) C???L?.
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Electronic Instrument (5,8) O?D?S-?A?T?N?T. About to happen (2,5) I?-S?O?E First one, second word looks like castanet - can you get electronic ones?
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1d= The amount of three dimensional space occupied by an object. (6) V?????. 13a=Myhtological blood sucking witch who takes the form of a serpent (5) ??M?A. 16a= Somebody who cannot perceive colours...
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Pair you brought back of hunted animals (4) P???.
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There is a car advert around where a chap recites the words of the above song - very nice but what has it got to do with a car?? Or am I just dim !
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Gold or silver wire used as a sewing thread P?R?. Cant find it anywhere but must be so simple - like me!
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Really stuck on top left hand corner 1d+2d+3d+4d and 1a+10a. 1a=Explanation of a text of the bible (8). 10a=King of Judah in late 8th Century BC.(8) 1d=Hebrew measure for dry goods alt sp (5). 2d=Weak...
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12a=In Mathematics, a_number canbe expresssed as a ratio of two integers(8) R?E??N?L. 33a=A believer in freedom of thought, expression etc (11) L?B?R?????N. 29d=Harsh, bitter or astringent (7)...
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6d = 1995 men's singles badminton world champion (8,4) ?E?Y?N?O ?R?U. Crusader 6 down= Son of Cain/Singers with child man! (5) E?O?H. Is it Enoch?
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11across = Man, fifth centre half in the lead (4) T?E?.
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16a=To represent in drawing or painting or to describe in words (4) L??N. 17a=Stew that was originally eaten by sailors consisting of meat, vegetables and hardtack (6) ?C?U?E. 27a= The innermost...
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Now and then notice pitch (6) S?E?A?
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what is the answer to 7 down?
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One of the 32 directions marked on a compass. ?O??T
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Am getting quite squiffy searching cocktail sites for Whisky + Pernod . I have S?Z????. Can Anyone put me out of my misery please
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Two more that I can't get yet. 5d= ceremonial dinner from bvar in silence I leave I?N?U?T. 22a = May French going to New Zealand port ?A?N?.
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24a=bringing her back, notice nothing ?R?D?. 27d=so over half leave ?R?O.
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I seem to have three unanswered if anyone can help - 10down=S?L?N-Athenian political leader. 20across=S?T?O-linguistic and cultural group living in high grasslands of southrn africa....

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