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Last one of the missing vowels phrases needed 26. BLS SNG ND SGS Thanks for your help...
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Just one left to do, any help appreciated, this might be found in a kitchen larder - 10. To perk up nets affection when this is poured (7,6) Could be Instant Coffee but I can't see why many thanks...
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Any help/clues please for last 3 - 2. Play above pull to north (5,4) 30. Sounds like a container after outdoor meal in the city (8) 91. Non binary pronoun put on, so bi round Essex (7,4) Thanks for...
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Any help please with last 2 - two words that are anagrams of each other 5. Intentions/gulp (5) 10. Schooling/offered for sale (9) Thanks for any help...
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Any help please with last one, all answers are connected to horses in some way - 15. He's not the daddy! (7) Thanks very much...
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Any help please with last two - 19b. King's Cross/St Pancras, Paddington, Victoria, what's missing (9,6) I can't work out whether it's Liverpool Street or Fenchurch Street. Also, words/phrases with...
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Help needed please with last one, answer is the name of a river - 8. Beatified holder of a non-sporty gridiron - no letter count given (I was thinking Saint something, ? Saint Lawrence ?) many thanks...
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Please can you help with last one, answer is a place name that includes a link to wildfowl or wetlands - 1. Very cold North East (this place is on the south coast of England) Thanks for any help...
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Stuck on these - any help appreciated 8. Flightless New Zealand birds similar to gallinules (8,8) - starts with an N. I have found Notornis, but can't find a 2-word answer. 56. A of S of P (?...
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Any more help/clues please - these are the last ones 47. TLATH (3,4,3,3,10) by SME (5,1,4) 57. TWOTF (3,3,2,3,5) by SB (6,6) 62. TPP (3,8,8) by JB (4,6) 70. OHYOS (3,7,5,2,8) by GGM (7,6,7) 94. MB...
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Hi, any help/clues please for these ones - all books and authors - 8. TSOTB (3,5,2,5.6) by JW (10,6) 9. D (7) by BS (4,6) 17. MC (9,8) by SR (6,7) 45. TJITC (3,5,2,3,5) by PS (4,5) Thanks for any help...
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Any help please with this last one - answer begins and ends with the same letter - 5. Gather to discuss novel by putting a reservation on card (8) Thanks very much...
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Last one needed, any help please - answer is a place name in the UK or related to one - 22. Water sources (5) Thanks for any help...
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Help needed please with last one - answer is a UK city or town 59. Red fluid shed around market town (12) Thanks very much...
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Help needed for these 2 please , answers are items of furniture 5. Rod Seat (3,5) ??? chair 19. Bassinet (6) Thanks in advance...
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Any help with last 2 please Part Seven. A place name containing he letter K - "Think lower maybe" it has 10 letters, Also - Part One. What does the k stand for in "k" preceded by a small circle, as in...
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Any help please with last missing vowels one - 38. NT SNY RP NTS Any help appreciated thanks...
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Help needed please for these - all answers are sweets/confectionery past or present - 13. Novel adaptation for Blade Runner 16. It's among the best of four 23. Musical link to Elizabeth's Coronation,...
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Please can someone help with this one - the answer contains AU TU or MN - 25. Begin in street with it, a small truck (9) the answer begins with I Also, the title of an Abba song 37. Maybe Adam and Eve...
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Hi, any help/clues please for last 3, all names contain a colour - 18. Student at Hogwarts (8,5) 21. Late American singer/songwriter (6,4) 34. American soul singer (4,7) Many thanks...

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