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Norse Goddesses ruling the fate of Gods and men in Norse Mythology.6 down. 5 letters N - R - S. THANKS FOR ANY HELP
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Seem to have come a cropper on this last one. Can anyone help? 12a (6) Contemporary composer whose music is in 2001 and the Shining -I-E-I Grateful for any help, many thanks...
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a hybrid of the loganberry,and blackberries and raspberries, B?y?e?b?r?y
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Help please 26down. M.O.S. In music, held back momentarily? 8 letters -i-e-u-o Thankyou....
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Stuck on 2: 16A - Chief priest in Roman Middle Eastern country - _Y_I_R_H and 20A - Priest serving a particular Roman deity in ancient Rome - _L_M_N I bet I`m going to kick myself when I see the...

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