Well, I am now into my 3rd day as a Daily Star reader. Front page - Michael Jackson was taking lots of painkilling drugs. I guess they copied that from some 2 week old magazine they found in the...
Imagine you are driving a Mercedes at 100mph.The steering locks. The doors lock. Brakes fail. You can't get out. You are heading for a 1,000ft cliff drop.What do you do?
........when a baby dies at the hands of it's parents, (to name one instance of a tragic way children can die, & therefore make it into the media) the baby is called so beautiful or gorgeous, etc. It...
It is supposed to be another miserable day today. But, the sun is about to creep over the skyline here in Gloucestershire. I'll bet it's raining this afternoon though. Have a good day everyone.
I used to enjoy Corrie but lately I think it has gone away from a nice format to sleaze. I really find the Kevin, Molly thing quite nauseating and switch off when they start slobbering over each...
Dull and overcast here in Gloucestershire this morning. Typical! We are out to lunch today and it looks like it's going to chuck down. Still, it could be worse . . .I think. :-) Have a good day...
Tip 1: Mushrooms , if you need them finely sliced then heres a wee tip ladies. Put them in the freezer for 5 minutes before slicing to firm them up, making it easier to get an even thin slice. SAVES...
My friend has just found one of the undated 20p coins in her purse (have checked news item and it is undated) .
What can she do to sell it at a good price