can anyone put me out of my misery with these questions please 49) radio programme were dj has control 57)fresh food with healthy properties 61) hip hop 65) arsenal player 101) you get them when you...
Hello! Just wondering if anyone knows the key signature of 'Tonight' from West Side Story. The score we have is the riginal and has no accidentals, which points towards C major or A minor, but we are...
Googling for a conversion calculator I found this one, which looks brilliant enough, but I was wondering if there's anything I should be aware of re differences British/American units, i.e. I'm...
All answers are names of famopus duos 1. What we may expect it to be in July the act of dividing. 3. Twinkled above flopsys home 8. This famous Scottish Willaim needed ear aids p. A writing tool used...
Hi All, I while ago, I watched a documentary on a cruise ship that was being built. It was one of the famous old ships, and during the documentary it was saying about an accident that happened on the...
all answers are ship names 1 retrieved from the falklands in 1970 it nearly didn't make it under Isambard's famous bridge . 2 This boat flagged up everything that England expected. 3 I never...
Can anyone help?? What is the simple phrase offered to kids from one to ninety-two? and Musical instrument missing in bordeaux for christmas wine (6) many thanks in advance for clues or answers