This sounds like an hallucination, but does anyone remember the year 2000 Sure advert where a guy is at a factory for a job interview and it is full of sexy, sweaty women. They are in an industrial...
What is the name of the kids in the commerical Etch-A-Sketch Eto their is a boy who looks to be about 12 and a girl who looks to be about 13 years old. I would perfer the girls name. Its the...
alot of people and sites are giving out the wrong answers to the marlboro quiz, i dont know if its on purpose or just not doing the research. we have all but 6 questions, and have documented proof of...
It sthe weekend and AB ed doesn't give a flying fig (didn't you love "Moonlighting,? what a triumph of art over reality) sooo anyone got any confessions to make? I'll start off. At the age of nine, I...
a) which year did Rupert the bear first appear in the Daily Express? b) how may seconds in a non leap-year c) how many doors in the White hourse d) international dialling code for antartctica e) bible...
before the settlers, before the stagecoaches, these rugged loners wrestled through the Rockies looking for their fortunes. They were known as the mountain men. And this man was known as the firse....