More gap year back packers dying in far off countries. What do they expect, these are not safe places like you would find in Britain. Why don't they work for a year in age concern shops in Luton or...
Just seen a news item where a 21 year old man has a muscle wasting disease and cannot move. He has to be hoisted out of bed etc and is appealing to the NHS for expensive treatment. Why are people...
As I was driving yesterday at 8 am I saw a boy ,about 13, on a paper round throw a toffee wrapper on the pavement. It occurred to me that a fair proportion of our species have readily embraced the...
fly on your plane if you had one. Personally I would not pi55 on her if she was on fire. Who do these people think they are, And as for than marih carey to55pot. Demanding a ?10,000 gym in her hotel....