I have no conscience. This once great country is a shambles. Over the top payouts. children killing people. This leslie ash nonsense has pushed me over the edge. I have no qualms about stealing films...
All you non smokers who complain about the cost to the NHS of smokers ,think about this. Leslie Ash ( a smoker) just got ?5,000,000 from NHS. As i type this I am drinking poison in the hopes I get...
Jamie Oliver, cannot stand the pompous lispy to55er. Pontificating about chickens. He is only where he is because of his parents money and influence. If he had to rely on his own efforts and talent he...
need confirmation of last three. 70. annie lost her red one (2,2) 77. hit the top in july and again in august (4,4) 84. he proved costly for kiss (3,3).
What a ridiculous statement. What on earth has this to do with govt. These systems have worked perfectly well for decades if used sensibly. I suspect the imm. heater was on 24/7... It should have been...