Thanks for the other answer. Down to my last few:
Half or quarter of pine bark (4) _E_P
A plea for peace:what's evident in ending of apartheid disease (3, 7) __H/_I_B___...
Invader right to occupy island, said writer (6) _o_M_N could be norman but why?
Heard acting editor's dropping round (5) _R_E_
Many thanks for your help...
Mostly far from fair for Ape to assume place of Man (7) D _ U _ L _ S. Ok so it's probably Douglas but any ideas why? He'd produce huge vegetable dipped in gin (7) A _ T _N _ O Antonio fits but I...
Why is the last clue always so diffciult?
Being worried, with point? (6) E _ S _ T E (possibly E _ S _ S E)
With an explanation as usual please folks!!...
I can see why scapa is the derivation but what is that to do with leave? Scarper I would understand, is scapa some abbreviation for this, I can't find it in any dictionary.