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Hey there I have a bizarre question, does anyone know where I can find pictures of male chests/abdomens which look muscley, but fairly normal? (i.e none of the scary body-builder models) Thanks :o)
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I heard a song on the jukebox in the pub the other day and i willl try my best to describe it. Its very Brit Pop sounding, and the verse went (i think) 'Where did she go' (this bit had just 2 guitar...
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I noticed a small (5mm) round black beetle half burrowed inside me today. It was a couple of inches above my left thigh bone, and im wondering how common this is, or is it poisonous (just to make...
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My 'Suit Rental' question before reminded me of something i've always wondered. In any special occasions (wedding being the best example) why do women go out and buy a hugely expensive dress, only to...
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I have no idea as to which category to put this in, so it'll have to go here! Im looking to rent a suit in the next week, but I have no idea where to go, what to do, even how much it will be! Will...
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Hey my girlfriend has Coeliacs disase and im wondering if anyone knows of any gluten-free recipies, or websites containing them, so I can cook her a meal without making her ill! It would be best if...
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Can the Playstation 2 play music CD's that are not converted into audio format, i.e ones that you can play on your computer, but not on a hi-fi. Sorry, i dont know the technical name for it!
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The opening few seconds on the Manic Street Preachers song, Ocean Spray, has some it Welsh? And if so, what does it mean?
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What is you personal favourite piece of soothing, chilled-out music?
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What was the piano music used on the Premiership Priory, the documentary about footballers with addictions? I just saw it on BBC Three, dont know if it was a re-run or not.
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Girlfriend/Wife: 'What are you thinking?' Boyfriend/Husband: '...Uh...' How the @#*! do you answer that one! Every guy I know has no clue what to you answer what you really are thinking (sex,...
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How long can roses survive for when they are put in a jar? also, do dried roses last longer, and if so how much longer, how do I dry them and do they look any different?
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There are 2 versions of 'Points of Authority' and they have different rap lyrics...are they different tunes with the same name, or is one a UK version or what?
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Where can I get the music to Dj Shadows piece 'Blood On The Motorway' like it is on the O2 advert, i.e continous chords and a continous beat, not jumping around all over the place.
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Why can every other carnivore on the planet eat raw meat and survive perfectly well, yet us humans cant hack it???

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