Need help to finish last two and would appreciate help from all you knowledgeable people. 42A captain of industry denying leader of municipality is related (6). ?G?A?E 53A The fellow's embraced by fat...
Help for last one please, will left me finish this crossword and let me get onto the cryptic one, thanks in advance. 30A Giving exoneration (11) E ? C ? L ? A ? O ? Y. I think all the letters are...
Only two answers to get and the crossword is finished and not getting them is driving me mad. Could someone please put me out of my misery and suuply the answers - 9A King is winning with a knight's...
Can someone please help me finish this crossword, I am stuck on three: 12D Unusually ugly red rings looking, ultimately, so handsome? (8) I have. R?G?E?L? 26D Never lifting load, Forth Bridge team...
Would be grateful for help in finishing this week's crossword, I have three left, please help:- 16A Make attractive design? No good for clothes (6) I have E?D?A? Is this ENDEAR and if so how does it...
Last one, I have an answer which satisfies one part of clue but not it all. 45D. Musical librettist sounds like an apprentice (6) I have ?E?N?R - is the answer TENNER? I get sounding like librettist -...
The last three clues to get and it is finished, I would appreciate help 5A Rising tribe absorbed by an animal's track (9) A?????A?T 6D Prayer English divine originally composed (9) ??L?E?T?? 25A...
Need help to finish this crossword and would appreciate help. 6D Regrets are what get recalled periodically in place of action (7). T???T?E - could this be THEATRE? If so why? 14A American pupil...
I only have one answer to get and for the life of me cannot get a word to fit. Please put me out of my misery. 2D Non-fattening number? (5) L ? C ? L Only word I can callmake is LOCAL, but this...
A much easier crossword this week but still stuck on one. I would appreciate help to finish. 21D. Serious girl was thinking (8). U?A?U?E? Could it be that some of my letters are wrong? Thanks in...
Thought I was finished but then realised there was still two I did not know answer for. 47d Lover is out-of-date, out-of-date! (6). ?S?O?E 7d Plant that's very big, one loose falling over inside (6)....
Need help to sort out right side of crossword. Many thanks for any help given. 23d Getting rotten place---feel bad catching cold (10) ?U???S?E?T 32a What pub running out of beer could do to offer...
Help required to finish crossword and help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. 2d first of squatters introduced to bottom residence (5). R?O?? 3d man losing head when bitten by more than one dog,...
Need some help to finish this crossword and thank in advance to anyone who can help. I have two clues I cant do and two which I have answers but cant make them fit the clue. 16A Artificial isle of...
I would appreciate some help with the following clues and thank whoever helps me in advance. 6D Bring back in restraint for big business (13) I have R?I???R?O???? 7D Manipulate hospital data in grid...
I need help to finish this crossword, only four to get: 51A Lead perhaps --position in which one is comfortable (7) E???E?? 54A Stop Italian port taking an outlandish foreigner (9) I have BARBARIAN...
18ac Make use of a personal advantage. p-a- o--- s-t-n-e-t -a-d 13ac Like a realistic robot a-i-a-r---g. 5ac causing harm --l-d-r-c. 5d financiers --------. Hopeless today any help please. dontshout....