good afternoon, completely stuck on top right is 6 down disconcertingly? I'd set up candlestick trying out about 50 causing worry (15) and 8 down stalls (6) in the end Sally managed to gain time...
Help me please.
2d A cat occupies a New York doctors study, 7
4d Foreign articles, seconds, worn out, traded at lower prices. 9
21d Get engrossed during fifteenth rally 7
Many thanks...
Good morning good people. The latest has just vanished from the 'latest posts.' So here is a new one to get you started. Just follow as closely as you can with a song or lyric of your own. Have fun...
Not sure what's going on this year but I have never ever been in a hotel on holiday and seen so many tattooed people in my life. I've absolutely nothing against tatoos whatsoever but I've seen some...
Last two 24d. A thin slice of veal coated with egg and breadcrumbs, fried and served with sauce (8) ?S?A?D?? 36a The ......... Kingdom in North West Europe on the North Sea (11) N?T?????N?S. Thanks