3d/ alphabet used in Moscow (8) ?y?????c 2d/too much,notcalled for (10) ?n?????a?e 8d/moralising book of animals (8) ?e?t?a?y. I've obviously gone wrong somewhere!!. Thanks
18a/ engineers old letter kept by british library (6) ?r?e?l. 26a/ revel in European broadcast (4) B?s? 12a/colophony that helps to produce euphony (5) r?a?n. 6d/ finding wreckage of a boat - can it...
any idea what the programme is? I have PUIPMCSREEST. The only word I can come up with is Imperceptus and I don't think that is a tv programme! (I don't usually struggle with these TV programme titles
10/ 9a/ lucy eats up bits of Australian timber (10) t?c?l?p?u? 6a/ reported connection of far east country ?c?i 23d/ confessesses to keeping heraldin device (4) ?h?s
2d/ one of a class of cool main-sequence stars (3,5) ?e? -d?a?? 19a/ Steven ? (b1937) english dramatist (7) ?e?k??? 38a/ inhalent appertures in a sponge (6) ?s?u?a)
13a , In Linnaean classification, oorders of plants with 2 styles or deeply clefted style. 37d, Any one of several former ilalian coins, form latin for shield Thank you, (brain a bit mushy today due...
1d/ some steam on glass from within (5) ?m??? 8a/ do your opening section first (5) ?a?t? (sorry about these, I don't usually struggle with RT xwords! I have the name of the program- crimewatch)