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1421 to 1440 of 1624

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10A Avoiding dealing when without transport - ?a?ing ?o ?e?c? 20A Rise above said knight on the hill - ?u?m???t 12D The result of multiplying - ??o???t...
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2D Her small party picks up books on plants - H????? 8A Loud note has become ragged - ???y 10A Avoiding dealing when without transport - ?????? ?o ?e?c? 14D Strong fibre comes up all in the morning -...
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1A Order to chorus girls, but not just in the morning - ???? ? L?? 10A Avoiding dealing when without transport - ?????g ?? ?e?c? 17A Success has been achieved relatively speaking - ???? ???? ???l?...
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7D Beautiful volley went astray - ???e?? 8A Seemingly inactive queen of Carthage - ?e?? 13A White and earthy instrument made from kaolin? - P?pe?la? 16D Junior officer hanging at the stern - E?s???...
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20A Held leaflet naming hot spot in the mediterrenean area - ?t?a 21D Northern-style boy - ???n 23A The bilingual river of the underworld - ??t?e...
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8A Pastoral dance or tune - S?c???a?a 10D Protestant reformer - ??t?e? 26A Refuse heap - ?i?d?n 37A Purpose:determined - I?a??? 3D Source of construction materials - Builders ????h???...
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11A Assisting poor relations overseas - ??l?n?e 15D Bury another ten who were upsetting mob - E?t??? 22A Turk or Australian macho, we hear - O?????i 13D Brave man in luxury tourer - ?a?l???...
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5d Clearly showed one boy holding another - E?i?c?? 15a Church official baled out with energy - ?e???e...
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11D Eye specialist - O???h?l?i?t 20A William -English dramatist - ?o?g?e?e...
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16A New star shot up to flower - ?v?n
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44D Curtain Rod - T???g?e 48A Ancient Hebrew - ??r?e?i?e...
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20A Trouble involving new dye - ?n?l
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And finally Sound doctor in control - R?m?l?...
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11A Help one in need -take over duties - R?t???e 3D Ethel opened part of bolt - E?o??...
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32D Carved figures - S?a?u??? Airport building - T???i?a?...
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33A A flat representation of a 3-D original - S?e?e???a?? 35D Produce of Devon Town - ????t?? ?i?? 39A Opening handle - ???r???? 49A Unacceptable thing - ?? ?? 34D Type of mathematician - ????e?e 37D...
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8A Sad Dick endlessly disturbing lava - ?l?d?s 9A Worry over attempt to give signal support- G?n??? 7D Musician Became a roudhead forester - A???n?e? 17D Not a fast runner, but rather sweet - S????...
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Twin bird in the royal society - R?m?n
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16A Bete Noir - P?t ?a?e 18a Small upright - C?t???e ?i?n? 23A Supporting bar - ??r?? 23D Like oily glands in skin - ??????o?s 30A Interdependence (of Statistical variables) - ??r???a?i?n 48D Type of...
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Last one Doctor in drink will not go quickly - ?m?l?...

1421 to 1440 of 1624

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