33 Across The state of being dominated by one superpower, especially the US. (11) The letters we have are U - I - O - - R - - Y Would really appreciate help!
33 Across The state of being dominated by one superpower, especially the U.S. (11). We have the following letters U - I - O - - R - - Y Would really appreciate help - we've spent far too long on it...
Stuck on last couple. 111A Noisy display (5) and 105D Lacking in politeness (11). If I try some version of uncouth it means a 'C' as second letter in 111A and makes life difficult! I'd be grateful for...
We're stuck on 37 Down - Chaps I caught up with in the past extremely eager for patron (10). We have the following: - I - E - A - O - R Appreciate any help and Happy New Year to everyone,
Would appreciate help with 11 Across. He had responsibility for rising debt, ultimately leading to bank needing backing (5) We have T - L - R. (Tiler/Tyler? - if so why?)
I'm stuck on two clues and would be grateful for help. 23A 1990's drama means nothing to German physicist on radio (4,5). We have - 0 - E / - U - T - . 24A Lightly cooked toast left out (5) We have -...
Would appreciate help with 3 Down. Girl's given warning after European's heard making overture (7.4). We have F ? N ? A ? E ? A ? E (Second word WARE??)
27D Wanders, hot and feverish, into scene of fake robbery (8). We have come up with answer GADSHILL but can't fully explain it. Are we right? Many thanks to anyone who can help.