13a Inhabitant of banks of Upper Nile. I have n-l-t. Have I gone wrong somewhere, just cannot find a fit. Thanks in anticipation for the last elusive answer.
24a small sweet orange similar to mandarin. I have na?t?i? Have I gone wrong somewhere? With this answer I can turn to yesterday's DTGK which I haven't yet had a chance to even look at! Many thanks in...
28a species of tree in same family as apricot a?m?n?
36a stem of beans,peas and potatoes used for thatching h???m
Last 2 - thanks in advance for help...
Stuck on last three. 4Dfence/obstacle in showjumping (4) ; 14D as fast as possible( 2,4,4); 21A quixoticallty in a wandering way (8). Many thanks in anticipation