29a Sois the tattered North without end(4)??r? 28a how one invents something silly- like Walter Mitty- id put as Rapid Eye Movement sleepily(6,2,2)?a?a??, it , up17d mind bogglingly, Santa fits for... ...
Last one, and my over-under-around thinking is exhausted : 69A Achievement getting head - by which to make a name for yourself? (4,4) _E_D / _O_L (Lead Roll, Feed Soul, Need Goal) Help! And a... ...
9a very bad con with incomplete loaf and hole In crust 7 v???a?? 19a for all to see produce music hoard 5 u???y 20a return of celebrated antelope 4 ... ...
I have a clue : Cut off in China (6) The letters I have are: ? r ?e ? d. I can only think of Friend. If this is correct could some one kindly parse the answer. I can only think of Cockney... ...
Good evening, I’m stuck on the following and would appreciate some help. Thanks in advance! 23a Albert has hatred for medieval estate (7) : ?L????? 33a Bravery not initially an ancient quality (7)... ...
11a. Brandished((7) I put in Wielded.12d. Sixth Sense(9) the letters I have using wielded are E?t?i?i?n. I feel it should Intuition. Any suggestions ??Many thanks