last one help would be appreciated
13dn Chaps in more effective town initially getting property improvement
I have ?U?T?R?E?T
Many thanks in advance...
stuck on last four any help would be appreciated 2dn Among others where Natos placed in Anatolia 5,4 I have ?T?R ?L?? 19ac DJ coming from English race course, ones heard I have T???T?R 22ac Writer...
Stuck on last few help would be gratefully appreciated 5dn Starry McCartneys Back in the USSR s?e???? 6dn Clipped recording shows a soft goal 3-2 T?P-?? 13ac Friendly person is one getting abuse...
stuck on last 2 help would be appreciated
9ac Bidding system in pub briefly making a comeback
11 ac
Shout about new post eg for fervent preacher
Stuck on last 3 help would be appreciated 20ac Some Christians prefer it over sin 7,7 I have R???S?D ?E?S?O? 21dn Trumpet relative with higher volume 5 I have ??U?T 13ac Egyptian god embraced by smart...
Stuck on last three
12ac Got together with international film maker
7dn Caught out in a little light
1dn Unemployed South African chap has to integrate
3,2,3 O?T ?? ?S?
Must be brain dead stuck on last three 25ac Rodents that could make jumpy medico run D?R?I?? 18dn What a Saudi adulterer wouldn't volunteer is WOW 5,2 S?O?? ?E 22ac not identified by name no...
24 across What some dance to, not the Westminster Waltz 5,5
I have house ???I?
27 across Obamas conclustions out part of Washington to be put in order
22 down Dull Soviet spy B??E?...