At the time she wrote it she was unable to sleep, she says the village was cut off and all roads blicked as at the time of writing, 10.52, the bodies had not been moved. She says her phone has never...
This is really starting to bother me and I will go to the GP next week when I;m off, but I keep getting a dull ache/pain in the skull area behind my ears. I was trying to explain it to a mate at work...
Just in case, on the off chance, with any luck, the oft mentioned World Cup Countdown Clock should be put up on AB tomorrow, June 1st, can i say well done Ed and the techies. If, heaven forbid, there...
someone has been using her paypal account, she had an email from paypal a few days ago telling her the account had a problem and asked her for her card and bank details, she gave them in reply and...
Now I can't get it to automatically take the photos off my phone when I plug the USB lead in, a box used to come up asking me to select a programme to use with the photos, and the one i picked had a...
I know they want to jump forward a year for next season, but this last episode was quite uneventful and didn't really move on, shame as the season has been excellent thus far!
of my car, you know, the ones on white plastic sticks that flap in the wind as you drive along, I had 4 of them on the car last World Cup, it's brilliant!!! i may add more as the weeks progress, lol