accusations, make a closed group about a group to quench his thirst for power, make threats of physical violence and as a last resort when he has finally reached his limit insinuate people have an...
Morning all, I know ive put this in the wrong section, but I need some quick answers as im going shopping in just a little while!!! I decorated my room recently in beiges and browns, but to be honest...
i was eating some pistachios few moments ago, and i just wonder how do they grow? i assume they grow the same way as peanuts ... but isnt it werid how they grow??.......
but where is the internet history on IE 7.0? i know how to delete history, cookies etc but I needed to know what my kids have been looking at today and realised that I dont know where history is. Only...
well the doorbell rang, i swiftly scooped up some of my excrement from the floor and spiked up the remainder of my hair. I opened the door and it was the shop keeper assistant. She was taken agahst by...
Are black peas and black-eyed peas the same item?
American Phil Harris had a song - "That's what I like about the South" - in which he refers to black-eyed peas.
Now a lot of you have been complaining all over the place on here today about this goddam bloody cat/raco0n/squirrel orange balloon race thingy. Well I have found a way of getting rid of it for you I...
Bet the title made ya look lol So here's a question i got asked today by someone, how come a bird is " dressed" when it has been plucked, but "undressed" when it still has all its feathers ?