1.girl slain (7)
2.Often used when you pass (6)
3. Fine grains in a heavy shed (10)
4.Yorkshire term for sleight (5)
5. A rabbit helmet (11)
Many thanks for any help...
Dads entry keys (3,5,5,)
Does anyone know if the numbers are wrong for war on steer (3,2,4) as there are 10 letters and only 9 in the answer. thank you...
Found one more as I thin k my answer is wrong-
Sounds like an irish fluter has a piece of dutch china which is unserviceable (12)
I thought delphinium but not enough letters. Any ideas please...
Sounds likea friendly invitation to a fairy (9) An ill-fated ship in reverse for this one (8) Beri Beri beset the crew thus concealing this one (5) I can be eliminated when I espy riot car (anagram)...
Help needed as I have the same answer for these Day-go-take ) Space- way-Side ) I have out for both of these Out-walk-board) Way-back-front) have side for both of these No numbers of letters given...
the answer should have one word relating to food or drink
Sung by Max Bygraves (3,6,3)
All I can think of is Tea for two but that has the wrong number of letters.
the answers have the word rail in them
Feathers on a hawks rump (5)
Put troops on transport (7) this one conains the word train
Thanks in advance...
founder of a large norfolk nursery (1,5)
Two found in a computer (4,3,5)
Too perfumed to eat witih lamb (5,4) Think this might be ----- mint ?
Thank you...