Thanks one and all!
Last one;
4 dwn Ring mobile carrier's telephone number (6)
Is it CARTEL? CAR ( mobile carrier) + TEL (Telephone number)?...
9 ac Run away from road, being unwilling? (9) I-------E
3 down One's limb almost cut off body (4)
11 ac Splash out on double Martini? (5,2)
Many thanks in advance...
21 ac Henley sportsmen get rough when he's about (4) 27 ac Mexicans, say, almost lost boxing at home (7) 24 down People on vacation stop working for championship (4) 19 down Reserved, like game on...
23 ac These recur, broadcast, involving attractive personality and a hint of learning? (5,8) R-I-H? -E-T---S 22 down Cook rarely incorporates vegetable dish (4) O--- The H? is from 'OUTRIGHT' for 14...
4 ac He had a hammer and chisel initially to chip inside the ribs (8) 6 Down Child can follow scripture lessons with a description of rationality (10) 13 ac Mother uses broken toy shark to make dolls...
6 down Book's taken amiss following 28 (6) -I-- ( 28 is SILVER -I think) 11 ac Meadow flowers shaking off drops following 28 (4) 26 ac Last item to bring profit to part of Yorkshire (6,4) R-D?-N-/B-O-...
Last two. 10 ac Gad about during Spanish celebration-time of one's life (3,3) -L- --E 2 down After vacation, bloke's thank you letter to Greek (4) -E-- Could it be HERO? Many thanks in anticipation....
Last few; 11 ac Corruptunion pinched equipment and nearly all stock (10) U-O-I-T-A- 24 ac Like gravestones maybe, whitewashed after mum's gone (6) S---E- 25 Down Harvests rock plants under stone (5)...
21 ac A---E Having mouth wide open in Christian feast (5) Surely 'AGAPE' , but why? 20 down Ruler in South America facing nasty situation with no escape (6) 23 ac Complaint about Indian Protestant (8)...
1 ac A wolf in sheep's clothing, trickster finally entering religious community (6) A---A 9 ac Outer protective conering is said to suit this ship (6) B---U- 19 down Like a doughnut getting crushed...
Last few. 16 d Training base for space program (5) S-Y-- 22 ac In the end Capt. 8 transported with ease, said one of his lovers? (7) ( 8 down is KIRK) T-E---- 13 d Sandy, perhaps, reaching peak during...
2 down Fuel component in McLaren vehicle combusted at once (6) -C-I-E ( though I am not sure of the 'i') 4 down Over time cynic becomes Tea Party member. (6) -A---R 7 down University student holds...
7 down Y-N- Countryman from South last to back negative vote (4) Is it YANK? 21 down -A-T-R She terrifies sailors (6) 3 down T-A-G Feature of speech of old pair leaving Italy that's good (5) TWANG ?...
1 ac More than one studio needed to get such an enterprise rolling? (5,10) ----- PRODUCTION (?) 13 ac Authoritarian Spaniard, insular type back after droppininternational school exam (4) -A-I 27d 3d...
Last one. 13 ac Country folk imprisoning soldiers left a mess (8) -O-L-C- The answer seems to be *** ( a mess). Is that because BLOCKS is 'country folk'? and 'O' is 'soldiers'? Many thanks in...
Another few folks. 18 d Drivers turned left to find place to park vehicle (7) 18 ac Oriental's not popular around East Lancashire? --E-S- (6) 23 d Amateur match is beneath Spain's top scorer (5) Many...
1 ac Around America economists are breaking news that's very welcome (5,2,4,4) 9 ac Extremely dire software requiring chap to come in to remouve bugs (7) 10 ac Two policemen arresting one close to...