I want to plant about 500 british bluebell bulbs into a woodland area of my garden. What is the quickest way to do this. The soil is very easy to work with, but I dont fancy planting each one by hand....
I would like to espalier a fig tree on a west facing wall of a small patio. The wall is about 5' high by 20' wide. The area gets sun from about 10am to 2pm. I would like to get fruit from the tree,...
Can you help me please. I am looking at purchasing a house, and the nextdoor neighbour has a magnolia tree in their front garden It is around 15' high and about 5@ from their front window. Should I be...
Im not an idiot, but i need a quick bodge fix for my 1981 mirage. Usually i would go to the trouble of fitting a new head gasket when i remove the head but on this engine it really isnt worth it....
How come 'flammable' and 'inflammable' mean the same thing ? For example ; 'escapable' and 'inescapable' are opposites. The opposite of 'flammable', however, is 'non-flammable'. How come, and what's...
I don't want to mention any names, but I wish those answering questions would not simply provide a link to a web-site, but at least give a brief resum? of the answer as well as the link. After all, if...
Scotl is being stupid. The internet was invented so we could share information easily and quickly, and its inventors would be grateful we are using it for this purpose. Also, No matter how we got the...
I was just about to have a go at dodo for asking about the Stig as i know this has been answered before, however i have discovered that as he was asking it in sport - the box that says has you...
always wondered if you can tell how far a jumbo`s travelling when it`s cruising in a sense of if it`s trail is say for arguments sake 2 foot long bit hard to explain buy I "THINK" you`ll know what I...