Trusted leader has a plump female shape (6,6) F - T - - -, F- - - R - Slow mover set out to include the goods (8) - S - A - - - - Nickname for team comprised of right-wingers? (3,5) T - E, - L - E -...
Demon wind damage (6)
_ _ _ A _ _
Answer one may dispense with (6)
_ _ T_ R _ (could it be retort but, why)
Frenchman will go back for Tom perhaps (3)
_ _ G...
Turned away from tampering with Cardinal virtue of a clergyman (8)
V _ C _ _ I A L
Vehicle overturned in the ancient country (6)
T _ _ A _ E
Quaker leader in touch with flag (6)
_ E _ N _ N...
Just to say "Happy belated Birthday" for yesterday to Lie-in-king. I always come on here to check my answers on a Monday morning and I realised that he'd had a birthday yesterday. I'm sure that many...
17d) State of being able to cope (8) _ D _ Q _ A _ Y It looks like ADEQUACY but, I can't understand the answer using the criptic clue of: No abundance of decay could be seen round most of the...
Now that the Prize Crossword and the Sir Lancelot are the same postal address does anyone think it would be acceptable to put both crosswords in the same envelope to cut down on posting costs? I do...