17ac. Suggesting you bow from one direction?(7) I have _ E_ T ERN. Surely western; but why? You/bow= We/stern? Ye= you but can't fit yestern to clue. Correction or explanation will be much...
At risk of being tagged a grumpy old man, I am getting more and more disgusted with those who abuse this site and wonder if others feel the same. One regular predator submits a weekly shopping list...
Long hard struggle. Still five to go. Even Baitress's advice to have extra digestive with coffee hasn't worked!! Kick-finish needed. 1ac Words of old chief end when son interrupts (8) _ _ _ _ A _ S _....
After long hard struggle and too much tippex, one left!!
4d. Item on reservation sounds a bit soft to fill pastry case (5,4) I have P_A_E _I_E. Think it's peace pipe. If so, why?
28ac. Putting coat on, not having right bill? One may see this in perspective (9,5). Think first word is Finishing (if 22d is Defuse). Second word _O_N_ (point? count?). Still several to go. This...
23a. Gnome shortened full length garment(4). After long, hard slog, last one! _A_I. Can only think of sari. If so, why? Please put this old man out of his misery!! Many thanks.
Last one. Feel I have wrong letters; but here goes! 9d. Female chess-player finding mate at end of play (7). M_R_N_A. Female= Miranda? If so, why? mcronya = crony(mate) inside ma (end of drama) but...
Last one. Feel I have wrong letters; but here goes! 9d. Female chess-player finding mate at end of play (7). M_R_N_A. Female= Miranda? If so, why? mcronya = crony(mate) inside ma (end of drama) but...
1d. American pillar boxes nearly all bulge (9). C_L_M_I_N. Has to be columbian or colombian (american). American pillar= colum? What about the rest? Have struggled all day on this xword. Please put...
Last one. Stuck!! Help please. 3ac. Is senile mockery partly about good looks? (10). _ I _ E _ I _ E _ S. Likeliness (anagram of is senile + ke?) ? LIveliness (+ve?) ? Timeliness (+tm?) ? Something...
Struggled today. Don't understand some of answers, but they must be right! Two left. 13a Dramatic finale that was favoured by Blefuscudians (3,3) _ I _ E_D Big end? 4d Exremely trendy resort,...
Need help please 23d. Nothing cuts systematic distortion, for example , in lab test (8). I have _i_a_s_y. Maybe wrong somewhere. Last one. Thanks for help
Having done jumbos for over 20 years I have never seen so many (to me !) "obscure" clues!! Stuck on 46 down "Ungrateful daughter in the better half of Cornwall" I...